Monday, December 26, 2016

"Please Ignore Vera Dietz" timeline

My students were really struggling with all of the flashbacks, so they kept track of events on a timeline. In the end, they were able to see the string of events as they happened. This also led to good discussion on A. S. King's stylistic choices, and what the advantages are of this method of storytelling.

Here is the beginning of our completed timeline:

before Vera
Ken’s dad left when he was 3; he started drinking at age 10.
Vera is born, Cindy is 17, and Ken is 18.
>5 months – 1 year
Cindy is stripping to pay the rent since Ken spends all of their money on booze.
5 months
Ken goes to AA after he is too drunk to remember to feed Vera.
Ken passes his CPA test.
Charlie and Vera find the Master Oak, created by the Great Hunter.
Charlie tries to get Vera to smoke a cigarette.
During the summer, Charlie & Vera meet John the pervert on the trail.
Cindy moves to Vegas with Marty, the podiatrist.
Vera starts volunteering at Zimmerman’s pet store during the summer.
Charlie & Vera kiss on New Year’s Eve for practice.
During the summer, Vera volunteers two days a week at Zimmerman’s.
Charlie builds the treehouse.
Charlie goes to a football game with Ken & Vera, and Ken says to ignore the abuse.
Charlie goes to the doctor because his mom thinks he is throwing his underwear away, but he is really selling them to John the pervert.

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