Thursday, April 17, 2014


My students read Divergent this winter, and they loved it. I knew they would the moment Edward was stabbed in the eye.  Divergent has that perfect mix of action, adventure, and romance. There are also several ways to scaffold learning.  I used character charts, did activities with basic vocabulary, and had students read the manifestos and choose factions. Students traced Tris's character development throughout the novel without even realizing they were doing higher order thinking.

Here is a link to my FREE vocabulary packet. I stuck to basic vocabulary, and took into account that most of my students would not recognize the significance of the faction names (Amity, Dauntless, Erudite, etc.).

Here is a link to my Teaching packet.  Students benefited from the character chart, especially.  I think that the journal entries were somewhat successful, but overall they didn't turn out like I had hoped.

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